Fiber art summer camps


I want to offer a safe and inspiring place for kids to get creative. Designing and making art and crafts with your own hands is also a great way to learn about sustainability, collaboration and project managing skills. I provide an encouraging, joyful and free environment for expressing yourself by making art and crafts and offer a wonderful opportunity for personal growth. I am a craft and art teacher from Finland with 30 years of experience in teaching. Iā€™m excited about sharing my experience in modern craft education in Marin.

The summer camps include learning designing and making textiles from the beginning to a finished product. We are printing and dyeing fabrics with several methods and sew them into products. We will learn to dye wool with natural dyes and use the wool to weave. We will work with fleece and felt with soap and water. We will learn hand-stitching and how to up-cycle and repurpose materials. We learn to use the sewing machine safely and make simple clothing.

To make the classes safe for all of us during COVID-19, we all wear masks and hand-sanitizers will be available. The classes will be taught outside on the patio and garden and inside the studio where the big garage door is kept open. The canopy tents protect us from rain and sun. Each student has an individual working station and tools set up 6 feet apart. The tools and working stations are disinfected after and before each class.

Group size: 8 kids. Working in groups of 4.

Age: 10-14

Prize: $475 + material fee $25

Take a look at the upcoming Summer day camps schedule!
